New Advent Practices

by Melanie Weldon-Soiset | @MelanieWelSoi

Worn language won’t stick.

Like used duct tape, our repast

chatter cannot fix

what COVID broke. Our politics


a wild animal, escaped,

trampling the vineyard

underfoot. No mulled wine, or

small talk, will tame this boar.


No crowds around the holiday

ham, no pile of packages, no

nativity play can heal

these plagues. What bitter deal!


I’m stuck. Empty, I stay put,

and wait. I’m hungry for

new wine, new bread, and new

nourishment from You.


I cannot feed

myself. I name

my need.


Nutrition comes through a

book I bought months ago,

an invite to set a plate 

on a steadfast board, a fete


whose menu consists of

art: main course of Miro,

appetizers of O’Keefe,

paired with Michelangelo’s reliefs.


Dessert from Nina Simone, with

cocktails from Kusama. Underhill

bathes the banquet in prayer.

How rich this meal! I pull up a chair.


As I partake, I feel my warp

and woof transforming, sinewing

the ties that bind within.

Me, now full, now new wineskin.



Today is the feast day of St. John of the Cross, known for his theology of negation/via negativa.


The Way


Honing In