Planting an Amaryllis Bulb

by Jody Lee Collins | @Jody_lee_collins

Editorial Note: Advent, a season of waiting, always ends on Christmas Eve, so Christmas Day marks a turn in the life of the church. Yet for many of us, this year still feels like one drawn-out Advent. Our hope must therefore take the long view, which is why we're offering today a practice to consider for next year. May this beautiful idea plant a seed of beauty to carry you through 2021.

We have one more reflection as a bonus for you tomorrow to end our series. Stay tuned!


I usually buy my bulb when they go on sale at the end of October (if I can remember!). Engage your kids in unpacking the box, soaking up the growing medium and planting the bulb. This is a simple illustration of keeping your eyes out for the coming blooms (cut out the flower photo on the box and keep it handy to refer to). Granted, just watching the crinkly white globe while it sits in the dirt won’t make it bloom, but it is a nice diversion and a remarkable surprise when something so dead-looking springs to life. Talk with your children about waiting patiently even when you can’t see something happening. This is the heart of Advent.


Advent to Christmas


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