Autumn 2021

Table of Contents

Also available as an audio issue and by podcast.


Time to Embark | Caroline Langston


In the Forest & Passing Away | Ed Meek

Naaman Hits Bottom | Jacqueline Wallen

Her Abundance | Kate Maxwell

Around | Victoria Crawford

Who Will Be at My Funeral? | Diana Raab

Rulers of the Ruins & Taste of the Dream | Fabrice Poussin

A Protestant Attends a Funeral Mass | Susan Delaney Spear

Blue Orchids & The Sailors’ Church | Fiona Vigo Marshall

Find Yourself & Easter Fools | Jeremy Szuder


The Children of the Sun Begin to Wake | Chad Holley


Wood Heat | Basira Harpster

Visual Art

Two Series: Acetabulum (Vinegar Cup)

& Nearness Distanced to Presence

Corey S. Frey


A Conversation with Dancer Emily Wright

On dance as a heightened form of attention and a vehicle for making meaning together.

Contemplative Practice

Moving Meditation | Emily Wright

The moving body as contemplative practice and creative exploration.

Cover Art: Corey S. Frey, Acetabulum (Vinegar Cup)

Graphic Design: Rebecca Thongkham



If something speaks to you from this issue, would you take a moment to respond and share with the contributors and the Vita Poetica community? You can send a voice message through our podcast, leave a comment on social media, or shoot us an email at hello[at]vitapoetica[dot]org. We’ll share these on the podcast at the end of the season!