A Daily Examen for Living as an Anti-Racist Person

by Vernée Wilkinson and Ted Wueste

For many of us, we realize that the statement “I’m not a racist” is not enough. Better to say “I’m anti-racist.” In other words, proactively standing against racism in our hearts and minds, in our interactions with others, and in the way we strive to see our cultural institutions operate. In that spirit, we offer this examen.

An examen is a structured prayer in which we are led to prayerfully reflect on our lives by focusing on being present to God and asking God to search our hearts and guide us. Set aside time daily to slowly pray through these steps.

1. Remind yourself that you are in God's presence. Give thanks for God's grace in your life. Give thanks for God’s love for all who have been made in God’s image.

2. Pray for the grace to understand how God is at work in you as it relates to living as an anti-racist person. Review, with God, the call to be active in bringing peace and justice to the world around you.

As you consider the injustice of racism, what does the Spirit seem to be stirring in your spirit?

Do I extend the peace of Christ to people of color with my words, deeds, actions and influence? How have I allowed the evil of racism to affect me? Have I “wept with those who weep?"

3. Review your day. Ask God to search your heart and mind to see how embedded thought patterns of bias might have affected you today.

Have I done anything to diminish the image of God in my neighbor, friend, colleague, or family members who are person’s of color? Did I say hurtful words to someone or about someone because of their race? Have I been silent when I could have spoken peace and truth into a racially biased or explicitly racist situation?

4. Reflect on what you did, said, or thought in those instances. Were you drawing closer to God’s heart concerning racial injustice or drifting further away?

Are my private thoughts uplifting and loving toward all races? Do I recognize people of color as fearfully and wonderfully made? Where do I struggle with this the most? Is it with a specific person, people group, or environment? Where can I let go of my ego and make more space for racial justice? Are there ways in which I promoted peace and extended love to people of color?

Take a few moments to repent and ask for forgiveness where it is needed, and then celebrate with God where you see growth and transformation.

5. Look toward tomorrow. Think of how you might collaborate more effectively with God's heart to extend brotherly and sisterly love.

How can I speak up, show up, and affirm people of color in my life? In society?

What action can I take tomorrow to nourish the longing for racial justice?

Are there things that need to be undone? Is there someone to whom I need to apologize? Is there someone to whom I need to reach out?

How can I be anti-racist in my community of influence as well as help in the work of larger societal change? What ongoing values and actions will I apply toward living a life as an anti-racist person?

You’re invited to find a quiet place, perhaps with a journal, and pray through this examen with spiritual director, Rev. Mary Amendolia Gardner. The guided prayer below lasts 10-15 minutes, with silences between the steps.



Vernée Wilkinson is a spiritual director and nonprofit communications consultant. She has a creative and entrepreneurial heart that is applied to all of her endeavors in life. As a spiritual director, she prayerfully offers a companionship that is welcoming to all people.

Dr. Ted Wueste has served in ministry for almost 30 years, with 22 of those years in pastoral ministry. With Master degrees of Divinity and Sacred Theology, as well as a Doctor of Ministry in Leadership, he has also received training in spiritual direction from New Way Ministries and Selah. He serves as the Director of the Spiritual Formation Society of Arizona, where he loves to hike, tend his cactus garden, and spend time outdoors.

Rev. Mary Amendolia Gardner is an ordained Anglican priest and spiritual director with Coracle and is currently pursuing a DMin at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC in Curating Community Through the Arts. She trained for ministry at Wycliffe Hall in Oxford, England, and earned an MA in Christian Spirituality with a focus on the visual arts and spiritual transformation at Heythrop College, University of London. Additionally, she holds a BA in Art History.


Moving Meditation


Contemplative Prayer