Who Will Be at My Funeral?

by Diana Raab

I’ve pondered lately.

Will my mother cry or clap at my passing?

Will she ride her horse into the chapel

wear her rust jodhpurs holding the brown whip in her hand?

He was always more important to her than me.

What about my first boyfriend, Eric,

the cute blonde in sixth grade turned lawyer

or the man who I flirted with on an airplane

going to a family ski trip

and rendezvoused with for a hotel fling?

And my writing mentor who

reminded me to ‘letit rip,’

or my son’s ex who once said she loved me,

or my cousin who I played doctor with as a child

but haven’t seen in fifty years?

What about my Jim, who I co-authored

an anthology on addiction with.

And my spiritual guide who

had all the answers to my questions

and sung me into my transition.

Will incense burn and will there be oracle readings?

Will all the artifacts be purple?



Diana Raab, MFA, PhD, is a poet, memoirist, blogger, and award-winning author of ten books, including four poetry collections, including her latest, Lust. She blogs for Psychology Today, The Wisdom Daily, Thrive Global, and many others. Her poetry chapbook, “An Imaginary Affair,” is forthcoming by Finishing Line Press (2022). Visit: dianaraab.com.


Passing Away


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