He Makes Me Lie Down
by Alexis Eke
He makes me lie down, 2024, digital illustration.
Turn, 2024, digital illustration.
Empty Wine, 2024, digital illustration.
Marrying surrealism, portraiture and Christian scripture has been my mission throughout my artistic journey since mid-2019. I use surreal elements within a portrait to communicate the beauty and depth of the Bible. The white lines, being a common signature in my pieces, communicate that what we see influences how we express ourselves through words and actions. It comes from Matthew 6:22 –– “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light.” It acts as a reminder to set our eyes on Jesus, because the more we look at him, the more we will be like him. What we visually consume plays a bigger part than we realize regarding our intimacy with God. I create these illustrations with the hope that others can look at artwork rooted in the Bible, and that a seed may be planted in their hearts to want to know Jesus more.
Willing. 2024. Digital illustration.
Alexis Eke is an artist based in Toronto, Ontario. She illustrates surrealism portraits and comic illustrations using vibrant colors, to communicate the truth of Gods Word and increase the representation of black women in the creative industry.