Announcing Winners of Our Writing & Art Contest


Thank you to all who submitted, and congratulations to our winners! Read and view these works in our forthcoming anniversary print issue, available for preorder now.

Until Dec. 31, a preorder of this print edition is included with every donation of $25+ or recurring donation of $5/month. The issue will be mailed to you in print, digital flipbook, and audio formats before its official release in March, 2025. 

We're also excited to accept works from our contest longlist for publication in our regular online issues later in 2025. We look forward to sharing these with you in the coming year! 

Help us continue to find, publish, and promote excellent writing, art, and other creative work explored through a spiritual lens. 

We can't do it without your support! With a small volunteer staff, Vita Poetica relies on the generosity of our community to fund our work. With two weeks left in the year, we need your help to meet our fifth-anniversary fundraising goal!


If you've enjoyed the journal issues, events, and podcast episodes that Vita Poetica has brought you these past several years, would you consider supporting us with a one-time or monthly donation?

And if you're not yet familiar with our work, this "best of" Vita Poetica edition makes a wonderful introduction, whether for yourself or a friend. And as additional thanks for your participation in this campaign, we're offering other rewards at various giving tiers, including a workshop ticket, tote bag, and notebook.

We're deeply grateful for the community that has sprung up around Vita Poetica in the short time we've existed. Your support of every kind helps us to share the embodied word as we move onward together in hope.


The 5th-Anniversary Print Issue Is Here!


Vita Poetica Writing & Art Contest — Deadline Extended!