Summer 2024


Also available as an audio issue and by podcast


Come Together | Caroline Langston


Counting Stars | Megan Huwa

Unanticipated | Brad Davis

Suffering | Jan Wiezorek

Want Is My Shepherd | Dominic Palmer

The Loneliest Monk: By the Book | Richard Chess

Welcome World & Bat Mitzvah Dress | Elizabeth Poliner

Wine Skin Slippages, Tympanic Membranes, & This body | David Allen Sullivan

Ruth, on the Purity, or Impurity, of Attention | Megan McDermott

Bolt Down the Universe | Arlene Tribbia

Leave Britney Alone | Luke Usry

Sight Unseen | D.E. Kern

one body | Hannah Butcher-Stell

Medieval Mental Furniture: A Primer | Tom Holmes


Ave Maria | Grace Donovan


My Other Name Is Hagar | Heather M. Surls

Visual Arts

Mercies in the Mundane | Caroline Greb


Seeing into the Future
A Review of Life After Doom by Brian McLaren
Lory Widmer Hess

Never Yet an Emptiness
A Review of Lacunae by Scott Cairns
Matthew J. Andrews


The Artist as Prophet, the Church as Collective:
Pastor and Actor Rev. Lisa Cole Smith

in Conversation with Darby Brown

Contemplative Practices

Contemplation of Creation: A Nature Meditation Walk | Kolya Braun-Greiner

Cover Art: Not in the Wind by Caroline Greb